
Linda Hamilton and Kathryn Markgraf Visit Chile as Sports Envoys

By US Embassy Chile staff March 31, 2013

From March 31 to April 7, former U.S. Women’s National Team Soccer Players Linda Hamilton and Kate Sobrero-Markgraf headed up a female-focused sports envoy program in Chile. Throughout this exchange, they led a series of workshops for teenage girls in Santiago and Valparaiso. These soccer clinics and scrimmages offered an opportunity for them to highlight the value of team work, leadership, and healthy living.

Working with the Chilean Foundation Ganamos Todos, U.S. Embassy Santiago and ECA arranged for the envoys to meet Chilean First Lady Cecilia Morel. They discussed her national program, Elige Vivir Sano. This initiative encourages Chileans to lead a more healthy and active lifestyle. The envoys also met with students who are learning English through the Access program at the Binational Center in Valparaiso. The fast-paced program wrapped up with a talk on sportsmanship and large activity involving the U-20 Chilean women’s sports team, the Audax Italiano.

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